Low-carbon buildings, a pillar of our green strategy

GSE’s eco-responsible strategy is based on three key pillars: carbon reduction, energy efficiency and biodiversity preservation. In this chapter, we take a closer look at our low carbon buildings.


A building’s carbon footprint is calculated using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). GSE aims to reduce this footprint through innovation – such as low-carbon concrete, bio-based insulation and recycled paint.

You in control of your LCA’s key components

Our in-house Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs) inform your choice of products and construction methods by identifying the highest-impact components. Our engineers provide a detailed analysis your future building’s environmental footprint and suggest options for eco-design.


Our specialist team of green building engineers has developed comprehensive tools and databases for our solutions. They use dedicated LCA software to assess each project, quantifying the flows in & out at each phase of the product’s lifecycle, in relation to the chosen functional unit.

Our low-carbon concrete commitment

Concrete accounts for 8% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This underscores the urgency of decarbonising construction. GSE aims to reduce its buildings’ carbon footprint by up to 30% by systematically offering low-carbon concrete.


The benefits of GSE’s low-carbon concrete:

  • Easily reduce the environmental impact of your project without affecting its performance
  • Achieve up to 30% carbon reduction without offsets
  • Improve your prospects for environmental certification and labels
  • Maintain the product’s strength and quality
  • Use it in the same way as conventional concrete


Since July 2023, GSE has used low-carbon concrete for all its slabs.




Reusing materials: responsible and cost-effective

Reuse is on the rise in construction and industry regulations increasingly encourage a circular approach. At GSE, the circular economy is at the heart of our development strategy. Our green buildings offering covers this virtuous practice.


Your projects can contribute to circularity in two ways:

  • Recovering site waste and turning it into a resource
  • Reusing existing materials in your projects to reduce resource consumption

Certificates & labels to increase your building’s value

GSE can help you obtain environmental certification. With over ten years’ experience and more than 145 projects receiving or pending certification, we have mastered the processes of mainstream certificates such as HQE and BREEAM – as well as low-carbon labels such as zero net carbon, BBCA, bio-sourced buildings, Circolab, etc.