Our commitments
Client First
Client First: what you need, when you need it
“Our aim is always to make the difference through the value we create for our clients. They are central to everything we do.” Roland PAUL, Chairman
Every project is unique; no two construction sites are alike. This is why giving clients attentive and effective support is so fundamental to building a healthy business relationship. We are there for you from the moment of your project’s ideation, to ensure that all your expectations are met.
We hand out our Client Welcome Booklet at the time of signing. It spells out all our commitments at the project’s various stages, to ensure its complete success. At GSE, commitment is not an empty word; it’s a quality shared by everyone.
Listening to our clients
Client satisfaction is the cornerstone of our strategy.
Our client feedback system helps us assess our services, based on key criteria such as compliance with deadlines, quality of the works, efficiency of project management, etc. We conduct:
- Annual surveys of clients’ impressions
- Spot surveys throughout the project and up to one year after the works’ completion
In 2023, 97% of our clients said they would do business with us again. 60% were even VERY satisfied with our work.
Building together : committed teams
Finding performance everywhere
GSE’s experts are always at the clients’ side, in search of options to improve all the aspects of their projects.
The choice of an office’s fixtures and furnishings, for instance, is key to providing a good working environment. We set up a specific organisation to advise you on this aspect.
During the one-year defects liability period, a dedicated, experienced team helps our clients take ownership of their building.
A digital Client Satisfaction Notebook guides and records the entire relationship.
This digital monitoring tool supports the project’s effective management, from the signing of the contract to the end of the defects liability period.
Working together for your project’s success
Our Client Relations Code
Our code of good business practices addresses all the key stages of your project. It focuses on the seven values of the customer relationship.
- Commit : be ready and proactive at all times
- Build trust : respect the rules defined together
- Tune in to Client need : remain focused on our client’s expectations, speak a common language
- Generate performance : work together to enhance the value of your building
- Anticipate : be always one step ahead
- Be agile : Find a common playing field and mutualise our expertise
- Be transparent : Communicate about our decisions and find the best solutions together
All GSE employees and subcontractors are aligned with our Client Relations Code. Dedicated face-to-face and online courses, as well as coaching and support in the field, turn its best practices into everyday habits.
What our clients say
Watch GSE clients share their impressions
Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux (26)
Romilly-sur-Seine (10)
Seynod (74)
Verneuil-en-Halatte (60)
PPG Industries
Pibrac (31)
Belfort (90)