Smart logistics for a greener planet


A different approach to construction: logistics real estate goes green!

Internationalisation, the rise of e-commerce and the generalisation of net zero targets creates many challenges in all areas of business. Logistics is one. Optimising the movement of goods has become a key process for all companies concerned with performance and results. In terms of reputation and customer/consumer satisfaction, supply chain management has also become a crucial factor to stand out from the crowd.

This is why the “intelligence” of a logistics site is essential for success in an increasingly competitive sector. GSE’s expertise and support can make the difference for the optimisation of your supply chain – whether you need to integrate a process, develop a logistics platform or a build a facility that brings together all your activities under one roof.

Importantly, GSE’s smart logistics are not just about productivity. Environmental performance is a must.

In view of France’s Zéro Artificialisation Nette (ZAN) law on soil sealing and the increasing scarcity of attractive land, we’ve revisited the design of logistics warehouses “from the ground up”. We are committed to smart logistics through high-efficiency, eco-responsible facilities. As the European leader in logistics buildings, our experts, our R&D centre, our architects and designers work with you to define a global approach to your project. Whether it is relatively straightforward or complex & ambitious, we are committed to reducing its environmental impact.

Transporters, logisticians, supply chain players, users… we all must find ways to reduce our carbon footprint. This is why, from your building’s very ideation, GSE proposes eco-responsible solutions and partners with you to help protect the planet.

One of our approaches to address both business and environmental challenges is to go vertical. We introduced multi-storey buildings more than 25 years ago. Constructing on multiple levels optimises the building’s land footprint and its energy impact. Less urban sprawl, less soil sealing: GSE’s multi-storey buildings meet the requirements of sustainable development.

And this positive impact is heightened by our innovative concepts and construction technologies, which guarantee higher energy efficiency, lower consumption of resources and eco-responsible construction. We offer a broad variety of solutions, including solar panels, recyclable building materials, rainwater retention solutions, wind farms, charging stations for e-mobility, green façades, stimulated biodiversity, energy management, etc.

Our experts are here to help you with your future projects.

Our expertise in logistics real estate